About misandryrating.com

misandryrating.com is a website created to rate and review TV Shows and Movies based on the amount of misandry
they have in them. The less misandry, the better the rating.

There are 7 different rating levels. Each one is a different color. (E)xcellent, (VG) Very Good, (G)ood, (O)kay, (B)ad, (VB)Very Bad, (T)errible

(E)xcellent — No misandry or anti-male content.

(VG) Very Good — Only interpretive, contextually absurd, miandry or anti-male content.

(G)ood — Hardly any misandry or anti-male content.

(O)kay — Some misandry in general TV shows.

(B)ad — Substantial misandry or anti-male content.

(VB) Very Bad — Immense misandry or anti-male content.

(T) Terrible — A huge amount of misandry or anti-male content.